Math 136 - January 4 2016 - Lecture 1

Prof: Dan Wolczuk
Office Hours: T -> 11:30 - 12:20 am , 1:30 - 3:30 pm ; Th -> 11:30 - 12:20 am ; 3:00 - 5:30 pm
Text Book: Linear Algebra Course Notes 3.0 by Wolczuk. Edition 2.1 is fine.
Grades: Final Exam: 65% ; Midterm: 25% ; Assignments: 10%
Tests: Midterm: Monday Feb 8th, 7:00 - 8:50 pm ; Final: TBA
Assignments are due Wednesdays by 3:00pm in MC 4066


Objectives for this course:

30% of the marks on the tests will be for proofs, the rest are for computations.

Vectors in

You should be familiar with 2 and 3 dimensional Euclidean spaces, often denoted and . is the set of all points of the form (x,y) where x, y and is the set of all points (x, y, z), where x, y, z

We will now view them as a set of vectors.


For example, the vector =
can be thought of as the point (1,2)
Remark: All vectors in this course start at the origin

The set of all vectors of the form = , s ,t can be thought of as the set of all points of form (s,t,0). This represents the xy plane in

We say that and are equal and write if for all 1 i n

We define addition by
for any real scalar we define scalar multiplication by

We need to define equality first as it is used in to define addition and scalar multiplication.

We can only add vectors with the same dimensions.

Let be vectors in , we call a sum of scalar multples of their vectors a linear combination. That is, linear combinations of is:
where are real constants

Theorem 1.1.1

If x , y , w and c,d . then :
V4 |
V5 x in a vector () |
V6 c
V7 c(d ) = cd()
V8 (c+d) = c + d
v9 c( + ) = c + c
v10 1 =

Math 136 - Jan 6 2016 - Lecture 2


There are 3 kinds of mathematicians, those who can count, and those who can't

In linear algebra, sets of all possible linear combinations of a set of vectors in is called the span of the set and we write:

S Span Span

We also say that S is spanned by and that is a spanning set for S.

We will sometimes want to write a set differently. For a set:

We will just write:

and call this a vector equation of the set.

Notice that the vector equation gives us the general form of any vector in the set

Insert a whole bunch of examples here. Aka read the textbook for those.