Instructor: P. Haxell
MC 6308
Office Hours: M 3-4, W 2:30-3:20
Mon Sept. 19 - 2:30 - 3:00
Nov 8. Midterm
What is enumeration about?
Typical Question: How many elements of a given set S have a given property?
We’ll answer such questions by encoding the properties of S using an algebraic expression called the generating series for S.
Then to answer the question, we will find a certain coefficient in the generating series.
eg: How many ways can you choose a dozen doughnuts if the available flavours are: Chocolate, Maple, Lemon, and Plain (at least 12 of each are available)?
The generating series for this problem is
The answer is the coefficient of in which we denote by
eg: Same question but now only 3 chocolate, and 5 maple are available (other 2 have > 12 still).
The generating series becomes
The answer is
eg: In the doughnut shop there are 3 chocolate, 5 maple, 19 lemon and 17 plain doughnuts left. Describe the set of all collections of doughnuts that can be formed (size of the collection not specified) as a Cartesian product.
Answer: as CP is : (chocolate) {0, 1, 2, 3} x (maple) {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} x (lemon) {0, 1, … , 19} x (plain) {0, 1 , … , 17}eg: No box contains BOTH chocolate and maple this time
Answer: as CP is :
= {0, 1, 2, 3} x {0} x {0, 1, … , 19} x {0, 1 , … , 17} {0} x {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} x {0, 1, … , 19} x {0, 1 , … , 17}Let m be a positive integer
eg: Let S be the set of all subsets of {1, 7, … , m}. Fix k.
How many elements of S have size k?
ie. How many k-subsets (subsets of size k) of {1, … , m} are there?
Theorem: the number of k-subsets of {1, … , m} is
Proof: Let (B is binomial) B(m,k) denote he number of k-subsets of {1, … , m}
Consider the set of ordered k-tuples of distinct elements of {1, … , m}
Now count as follows: make a list of all B(m, k) k-subsets of {1, … , m} and then order each subset in all k! possible ways.
Recall that for a fps (formal power series) A(x) we denote by the coefficient of in .
Substitution: Let A(x) = and be fps. Suppose that the constant coefficient of B(x) is 0. Then A(B(x)) is a fps.
Since we can write where
To show this a fps, we need to show that for every 0, is a finite rational number. The good thing is: and is a fps since it is a finite sum of finite products of fps, which is a fps .
What goes wrong when ?
We get
Then for example which is NOT in general a finite rational number. So in general, A(B(x)) is not a fps.
Inverse: Let A(x) be a fps. We say the fps C(x) is the (multiplicative) inverse of A(x) if
has inverse
Note: Multiplication of fps is symmetric therefore we can write We write
Thm: The fps A(x) has an inverse if and only if is non-zero
Proof: (=>) suppose C(x) is the inverse of A(x)
{<=} Supposed . Then we can write where
we claim is a fps: note that it is xB(x) substituted into and xB(x) has constant coefficient 0. Thus C(x) is a fps.
So by definition
eg. The inverse of is
It is usually more convenient to express this as
Note that if A(x) has an inverse, then it is unique: Since if A(x)B(x) = 1 and A(x)C(x) =1. Then C(x)A(x)B(x) = C(x) => B(x) = C(x)
Note that if A(x) has an inverse and B(x) has an inverse then A(x)B(x) has inverse
eg. How many